Total War: Warhammer
A lesser man would have just called it Total War:Hammer. Creative Assembly's latest sandbox o'war is wearing a Warhammer skin with pride and looks to bring plenty of extra depth to the franchise
The battle playable at EGX pits the stout dwarfs against the ferocious greenskin hordes, mixing up the usual Total War combat by adding in magic, giant spiders and bearded flamethrower troops putting hundreds of orcs to the torch.
Total War: Warhammer joins the battle in 2016.
The Last Fight

The Last Fight feels like Gang Beasts crossed with Powerstone. PIRANAKING's brawler allows 2-4 players to throw down in several different environments.
The concept is simple but polished, and there's a genuine variety to the characters and each have their own special abilities - I have a preference for the plant lady whose grapple roots people to the spot as they're characters in literal roots. It's a fun brawler, and I took the opportunity to absolutely wreck IBT's Ben Skipper.
No release date for this one yet.
Iron Fish
In the deep sea, no one can hear you scream. Which is good, because the first time a shark tried to take a chunk out of me, I nearly wet myself. Sadly I was in a press room with the developer Dean Edwards and publisher/developers Beefjack, so I stifled my panic yells and kept on.
Iron Fish is unsettling. The demo at EGX didn't show any of the real horror elements, but the godless killing machines that are the sharks on the ocean floor and the clunky movement made a quick jaunt into the open ocean absolutely terrifying.
Iron Fish is due out in 2016, and we'll have a preview early next month.
Worms WMD
After their big push behind promoting new indies, Team17 were showing off the return of their most bankable franchise here: Worms WMD.
It's 2D Worms, with all the positives and negatives you associate with it. There are a few new features and weapons but these are the heavily armed invertebrates you know and love and there hasn't been a terrible 2D worms game to date, so if it's just more of the same, that's fine.
Prepare to get Worms in 2016.
Rainbow Six Siege
Ubisoft were handing out beta keys and hosting 5 v 5 matches of Rainbow Six Siege through the event in the 18+ area. This shooter takes the familiar Rainbow Six gameplay and tries to adjust it to a multiplayer setting.
There are some balancing issues with this, but the destruction has been much improved from the early Alpha and knocking a wall through with a sledgehammer to ambush the guys on the other side of the wall was incredible. Siege looks to be the Rainbow Six I've been waiting for.
Siege will breach in December, but expect a preview next week.
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